Company of heroes 3 publisher
Company of heroes 3 publisher

These aren't just random things, they're designed to kind of tie into the character that's been written for them." And again it comes back to telling the whole story of the conflict. He mentioned the extensive amount of "write-ups" the narrative design team does, "on the background of this unit, where they're from, what they do, how they got there - to try and guide the dialogue that they have.

company of heroes 3 publisher

"It's tricky," senior mission designer David Milne told me, "and it's a conversation we've certainly had a lot internally and when it comes to, for instance, the barks and the units on the ground." How that plays out in the final game will be important, and it relates back to Relic's notion of "humanising" the battlefield, right down to things like combat barks - lines of dialogue your units will shout out during the action - that have earned Company of Heroes its reputation for attention-to-detail in the past. "Instead of that we want to tell an authentic and grounded story in North Africa… so in addition to our own internal research and our own efforts to get this subject matter right, we've been working with some external consultants who've been involved in helping us with our narrative and Company of Heroes 3." "We definitely don't want to tell a romanticised story, where we lean into old tropes such as the 'war without hate' or the 'clean Wehrmacht' in North Afrika, or Rommel the 'gentleman general'. "We have to take special care with our narrative, playing as the Germans in North Africa," a studio representative said in the initial presentation. Watch on YouTube A new cinematic trailer for the North African campaign of Company of Heroes 3. Rommel's Afrika Korps was something Relic described as "heavily requested by our community," while Rommel himself was built up by the Germans, and then Allies, as a brilliant but detached tactician who sought to wage a "war without hate" and an almost victim of Nazi rule - something since referred to as the "Rommel myth", given the fact that plenty of war crimes still persisted in that region throughout the period of his command. The delicacy here comes from that reputation. The North African "theatre" of the Second World War is one dominated by armoured warfare, and is also the place were Erwin Rommel, the commander of the Nazis' Deutsches Afrika Corps (DAK), earned his reputation as the "Desert Fox". There are two campaigns, one in Italy and the Mediterranean, and the other, where this preview focused, in North Africa. This is because the setting for Company of Heroes 3, due this November, is a delicate one.

company of heroes 3 publisher company of heroes 3 publisher

The other two are "emergent storytelling" and "cinematic warfare," for those interested, and while those two probably sound a bit more exciting for the average player, it's the first that probably holds the most importance today. At the risk of simply repeating some marketing blurb, "Humanising the battlefield" is apparently one of Relic's three key "franchise pillars" for Company of Heroes.

Company of heroes 3 publisher